
Summer Term 2015

Notice: this page contains archived contend about past teaching activities. For the most recent information please select the pages for the current semester.

Lecture: Grundlegende Programmiertechniken (German)

Lecture Time & Place: Tue. 10:00 - 12:00, LB 107
Instructor: Prof. Dr. J. Krüger
Exercise Time & Place: tba
Exercise Supervisor: Contact at gpt@uni-due.de (A. Krekhov)
Course Language: German
Audience: Bachelor (Angewandte Informatik, Angewandte Kognitions- und Medienwissenschaften, International Studies in Engineering)
LSF listing. Moodle site.

Vorläufige Klausurergebnisse: [Check here]

Zusammenfassung: Anhand der Programmiersprache Java werden grundlegende Programmiertechniken in einer objektorientierten, modernen Sprache besprochen. Inhalte im Einzelnen: - Einführung und grundlegende Struktur von Programmen - Lexikalische Elemente, Datentypen und Variablen, Ausdrüke und Anweisungen - Objektorientierte Programmierung: Klassen, Methoden, Vererbung, Interfaces, Abstrakte Klassen - Standard und Utilityklassen - Generische Datentypen & Anwendung von Standardtypen - Ausnahmebehandlung - Ein- und Ausgabe mittels Streams - Graphische Oberflächen (Einführung) - Einfürung in die Ereignisbehandlung - Anwendung der JSDK Utility Programme (Javadoc etc.).

Lecture: Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen (German)

Lecture Time & Place: Mo. 14:00 - 16:00, LB 131 & Wed. 14:00 - 16:00, LB 131
Instructor: Prof. Dr. J. Krüger
Exercise Time & Place: tba
Exercise Supervisor: Contact at gpt@uni-due.de (A. Krekhov)
Course Language: German
Audience: Bachelor (Angewandte Informatik, Angewandte Kognitions- und Medienwissenschaften, International Studies in Engineering)
LSF listing. Moodle site.

Vorläufige Klausurergebnisse: [Check here]

Vorläufige Klausurergebnisse (Nachholklausur): [Check here]

Zusammenfassung: Die Studierenden sollen den Algorithmenbegriff erläutern und Algorithmen durch schrittweise Verfeinerung entwickeln können. Weiter sollen sie wichtige Klassen von Algorithmen aufzählen und erklären können. Die Studierenden kennen wichtige Komplexitätsklassen und können die Komplexität eines Algorithmus abschätzen. Weiter können sie die Bedeutung von Datenstrukturen benennen und wichtige Datenstrukturen aufzählen, erklären und spezifizieren. Die Studierenden können Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen implementieren.

Lecture: Scientific Visualization

Lecture Time & Place: Mon. 10:00 - 12:00, LC 137

Instructor: Prof. Dr. J. Krüger
Exercise Time & Place: Mon. 12:00 - 14:00, LE 120
Exercise Supervisor: A Schiewe
Course Language: English
Audience: Master (Angewandte Informatik, Angewandte Kognitions- und Medienwissenschaften, International Studies in Engineering)
LSF listing. Moodle site.

Abstract: The focus of this introductory course is on discussing efficient techniques to visually represent large-scale data sets from simulation and measurement. Starting with a brief introduction on the data generation processes the visualization pipeline, data structures, mapping techniques and special rendering techniques for scientific data will be discussed. Various examples will be given to outline the benefits of visualization techniques in practical applications.

Lecture: Advanced Image Synthesis

Lecture Time & Place:
Tue. 14:00 - 16:00, LE 120 & Thu. 08:00 - 09:00, LE 105
Instructor: Prof. Dr. J. Krüger
Exercise Time & Place: Thu. 09:00 - 10:00, LE 105
Exercise Supervisor: A. Schiewe
Course Language: English
Audience: Master (Angewandte Informatik, Angewandte Kognitions- und Medienwissenschaften, International Studies in Engineering)
LSF listing. Moodle site.

Abstract: This lecture deals with the fundamentals of photorealistic and interactive image synthesis. In particular, we discuss techniques to achieve interactive frame rates for the realistic rendering of complex models and scenes. Selected graphics algorithms and their efficient implementation exploiting state-of-the-art graphics hardware through graphics APIs will be demonstrated. We focus on dedicated parts of the graphics pipeline and we review the functionality provided by consumer class graphics accelerators including programmable vertex-, geometry- and fragment shaders. In addition, we discuss the governing equations in physics based light transport and we demonstrate effective solution methods for the simulation of global illumination. Topics include:

  • Interactive image synthesis (i.e. rasterization and local illumination)
    • Graphics APIs & hardware
    • Fixed function & programmable graphics pipeline
    • Per-pixel lighting
    • Reflection and shadowing techniques
    • Order independent transparency / depth peeling
    • General-purpose computation on graphics hardware (GPGPU)
  • Physics based rendering (i.e. global illumination)
    • Radiometric quantities, rendering equation
    • Raytracing / path tracing
    • Radiosity
    • Irradiance volumes
    • Precomputed radiance transfer (PRT)
    • Ambient Occlusion
  • Other topics:
    • High quality terrain rendering & synthesis
    • Rendering of fur and hair
    • Scenegraphs
    • Acceleration structures and culling techniques
    • Human visual perception and high dynamic range imaging (HDRI)
    • REYES
    • Image compression techniques

Lab Course (Praxisprojekt): Eye in the Sky (German)

Kick-off & Registration Meeting: Tue. 09:00 - 10:00, April 7, LK 052
Please register via email prior to the kick-off & registration meeting.

Time & Place: Tue. 10:00 - 12:00, LK 052
Instructors: Prof. Dr. J. Krüger, A. Schiewe & A. Krekhov
Course Language: German
Audience: Bachelor (Angewandte Informatik, Angewandte Kognitions- und Medienwissenschaften, International Studies in Engineering)
LSF listing (Krüger/Masuch). Moodle site.

Abstract: This lab course is offered in close cooperation between the High Performance Computing Group and the Entertainment Computing Group. The main objective of the Eye in the Sky project is to enable a first- and/or third-person experience by combining a head-mounted display (HMD) with an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). A single or multiple drones track the person wearing the HMD and stream their stereo- or monoscopic video data to the full immersive display in real-time. Oculus Rift, Parrot AR.Drone, and DJI Phantom hardware are available and can be provided for this project. Besides the technical realization the identification of prospective application areas and several perceptual-psychologic and physiological issues that arise from the unconventional setup are a central research interest. Participating students should be enthusiastic about and committed to the project idea. It requires solution-oriented experimenting, hacking, and programming of various hardware devices and innovative software prototypes. The lab course is supervised in close collaboration by both research groups. Students will work in small teams on specific implementations, problems, and issues.

Lab Course (Forschungsprojekt): Advanced Stereo Compositing from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images

Kick-off & Registration Meeting: Tue. 12:15 - 13:15, April 7, LE 335
Please register via email prior to the kick-off & registration meeting.

Time & Place: tba
Instructors: Prof. Dr. J. Krüger, A. Schiewe & A. Krekhov
Course Language: German or English
Audience: Master (Angewandte Informatik, Angewandte Kognitions- und Medienwissenschaften, International Studies in Engineering)
LSF listing. Moodle site.

Abstract: Human binocular vision and stereopsis are limited to a few hundred meters due to the fixed position of our eyes on our heads. Telestereoscopes overcome this limitation with special, mostly static mirror systems that artificially increase the eye distance and enhance the binocular depth perception for far away objects. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) go even further and allow for virtually unlimited and dynamic adjustable eye distances. This facilitates capturing arbitrary sized objects like mountains or clouds with binocular depth cues in unprecedented quality. Central aspects of this lab course are to develop and implement mission planning algorithms for an arbitrary number of UAVs and an efficient stereo pair viewer and storage system for massive imagery recorded by the drones.

Seminar: Recent Topics in Computer Graphics and Visualization

Kick-off & Meeting Registration: Thu. 14:00 - 16:00, April 9, LF 125
Time & Place: Thu. 14:00 - 16:00, LF 125
Instructors: Prof. Dr. J. Krüger & team
Course Langugage: English or German
Audience: Bachelors & Masters (Angewandte Informatik, Angewandte Kognitions- und Medienwissenschaften, International Studies in Engineering)
LSF listing. Moodle site.

Abstract: One of the goals of this seminar is to dive deeper into a few selected topics in computer graphics and visualization. Therefore, graduate students receive one or more recent publications from well known conferences such as IEEE VisWeek, ACM SIGGRAPH, and the EuroGraphics annual conference and explain the concepts laid out in these scientific publication in a scientific 30 to 40 minute talk. In addition to the scientific content in this seminar we will put special emphasis on the presentation. To improve the presentation skills of the participants we will start the seminar with simpe topics, record short talks from each participant, and analyze the presentation. Students then give a seminar talk on their chosen topic.

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